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El Oso Lives!

Welcome everyone to the first post for El Oso. My name is Gabe and I'm the owner/author/lead curious person. For me, this site is a passion project. I want this to be a place for ideas and creations to thrive. I want creative people I know to be have their voice heard and share their work. I want to share people I meets stories and interests and passions. I want to give my recommendations and tell the people about things that are interesting and captivating to me.

OSO FACT!!! --- I once drank two gallons of water in a day. Impressive, I know


If you or anyone you know is an artist, musician, writer, or creator of any sort, I would love to be able to talk to them and interview. I would also love to link any o their music and march in my articles so hopefully they find an even wider base of supporters. I want to help these people thrive and continue to pursue their passions.

Another function of this site will be to interview the weird and wonderful people that I meet in this world. Everyone has a story and they all deserve to be told. I want to show that people who would typically be outcast or avoided are some of the most interesting that we have.

This site will also have a subscription option, where I will try and put out a newsletter or update as regular as I can. I promise nothing and you'll like it. I will also have and advice/ask a question column where I will publish answers in a post. It can be anonymous or not but it just exists so we can have some fun with it. It can be weird and gross. Mess up my google search.


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